Pansky Markle Attorneys at Law was originally founded in 1989 as Pansky & Markle by Ellen Pansky and R. Gerald Markle -1950-2004 (read Obituary here) with the commitment to provide highest quality legal services to attorneys and other licensed professionals, at fair and reasonable fees. Pansky Markle Attorneys at Law believes in resolving its clients’ cases or matters expeditiously, while engaging in vigorous advocacy for our clients’ benefits. With this philosophy, Pansky Markle Attorneys at Law has earned an outstanding reputation for expertise in the areas of State Bar disciplinary defense, legal ethics consultations, and the defense and prosecution of legal malpractice claims.

At intake, each and every new matter is carefully analyzed by Ms. Pansky and a case specific strategy is developed. Cases are regularly monitored to ensure that the case strategy is followed or modified as required by the development of the matter. As appropriate in each matter, background work and legal support services are performed by experienced staff, including Senior Associate Art Barsegyan.

In the defense of both State Bar disciplinary matters and legal malpractice claims, the firm has become masterful at early resolution on favorable terms. The firm believes that, if the case can be resolved quickly, it should be. This approach is particularly helpful to clients who have no insurance coverage, and who must personally bear the cost of their own defense. This philosophy is also greatly appreciated by insurance carriers who utilize the firm’s services.

Ms. Pansky testifies regularly as an expert in the areas of legal ethics, professional responsibility and general standard of care in the legal profession. In serving as a consulting expert, Ms. Pansky brings to the analysis of a given issue, decades of extensive practical experience as a litigator, appellate advocate, commentator on legal ethics and the disciplinary system, and highly honed skill as a strategist in finding workable solutions to thorny problems.

Pansky Markle Attorneys at Law also accepts select plaintiff’s malpractice cases. In past years, the firm has negotiated through confidential settlements, recoveries exceeding $1 million in a number of cases. Likewise, Ms. Pansky has assisted clients in resolving fee disputes both for and against lawyers.

The firm is also committed to maintaining the highest level of communication with clients and/or carriers. It is our practice to consult the client and/or the carrier’s authorized representative regarding material decisions, particularly those which may involve a significant expense. While we strongly advocate in favor of activities which we believe will foster the successful conclusion of a case, we remain sensitive to the cost concerns of clients and carriers. Client input is welcome and sought. We measure our success through client satisfaction as well as favorable results.